• Prosím starostlivo vypíšte otázky testu nižšie. Odporúčame vypísať iba tie otázky, ktoré naozaj viete. Jednoducho napíšte, čo Vás prvé napadne. Nemusíte ani dlho premýšľať a taktiež žiadne hľadanie odpovedí na internete alebo v knihách sa Vám nevyplatí 😊. Mohla by sa tak skresliť Vaša vedomostná úroveň v danom jazyku, čo môže mať v konečnom dôsledku vplyv na zaradenie do kurzu nesprávnej úrovne.
  • Po vyhodnotení testu sa s Vami skontaktujeme a dohodneme sa na ďalšom postupe. Očakávajte od nás email alebo telefonát.

Pozor – doležitá informácia k vypĺňaniu testu a hodnoteniu otázok:

  1. Otázky 1-30: Pozor!: Každá správna odpoveď znamená + 1 bod, nesprávna odpoveď je -1 bod, žiadna odpoveď znamená 0 bodov.
  2. Otázky 31-60: Každá správna odpoveď znamená + 1 bod, nesprávna odpoveď alebo žiadna odpoveď znamená 0 bodov
1. Berlin is a small country.
2. There are seven letters in the word "radio".
3. The opposite of "first" is "last".
4. We eat breakfast in the evening.
5. A mouse is a big animal.
6. Knives and forks are made of metal.
7. People are happy when they sleep badly.
8. It's necessary to pay when we buy something in a shop.
9. It's easy to drive on a foggy day.
10. A horse is stronger than an elephant.
11. Diet and exercise and important if you want to be healthy.
12. We wouldn't be in danger if this building were in flames.
13. People can change the laws of nature.
14. Kind people have a lot of enemies.
15. When you want to buy something, it's good to compare different products before choosing one.
16. "Sidewalk" and "pavement" both mean the same thing.
17. A flatmate is a person who works with us in the same conporation.
18. A computer is a person who travels long distance to work every day.
19. Some people are superstitious about walking under a ladder.
20. " I would have got injured if I had been with them in the car" means that I was injured in a car crash.
21. You can book a hotel room if there are no vacant room.
22. Your teeth will decay if you neglect to brush them.
23. Greedy people are seldom satisfied with they get.
24. A person who remains unconscious after an accident shouldn't be moved.
25. In some countries the law recognizes smacking a child as assault.
26. A child's health is a common anxiety of a parent.
27. We get rough winds in a mild climate.
28. The opposite of "tough" is "tender".
29. The stroke of lightning comes before the thunder.
30. Light bulbs often need replacement.
31. Am I ... the window?
32. ... you have a red box?
33. ... like your town?
34. Are there ... students in the classroom?
35. I can ... somebody in the corridor.
36. A train is ... than a car.
37. ... you at school yesterday?
38. When ... World War Two start?
39. I will cook soup if you ... some meat and vegetables.
40. I have ... to New York twice.
41. If you ... me a thousand pounds, I would be happy.
42. She may ... everything.
43. You can't buy many things if you have too ... money.
44. My parents were ... the flat on Saturday evening.
45. Computers are ... in most offices.
46. It is worth making the ... to learn a foreign language.
47. Some people often try to ... their problems instead of solving them.
48. He was really ... after having cycled uphill for 30 minutes.
49. "You mustn't put it here" He ... me to put it there.
50. The city officials want to reduce ... by encouraging drivers to use the public transport.
51. He cancelled the reservation at ... notice and had to pay the whole amount.
52. Susan has been ... from work for spoiling their customers' satisfaction.
53. They were refused ... to the club as they were under age.
54. It is high time Tom ... something about his attitude towards other drivers.
55. We will start looking for a new flat to rent as soon as we ... the old one.
56. According to the law, a person is assumed innocent until ... guilty.
57. Is "acquire" the synonym of .... ?
59. A first- ... kit is an essential piece of equipment in a vehicle.
58. The company sells furniture designed to be ... at home.
60. They tried to stop their dog from ... at the table.
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